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Chiropractic care
Dr. Ashburn provide chiropractic services to our patients
Chiropractic care
Chiropractic care helps whole body health
Dr. Ashburn has helped thousands to lose weight, gain health and be set free from disease. He has been in practice since 1997 and takes care of patients ranging from newborns to seniors.
Who we are
Welcome to
Dr. Eric Ashburn is a 1997 graduate of Life University and has maintained a busy practice in Fishkill, NY for the past 25 years.
As a formally trained athlete, his knowledge and training in the realm of high performance health and healing have helped him to care for many professional and Team USA athletes. He sees thousand of people each month, ranging from newborns to seniors, with a focus on overall family wellness.
With more than 20 local and regional speaking engagements annually, Dr. Ashburn regularly helps local charities, clubs, business, and religious organizations by teaching healthy lifestyle workshops.
He is married to Nicole and is the proud parent of three boys.
Dr. Ashburn’s passion for leading and inspiring his patients and peers continues to create transformational change in the lives he touches around the world.
Who we are
Corrective Care
Our primary goal is to get you back to optimal function. We’ve helped thousands of individuals with specific corrective care, using a combination of gravity weighted posture exams, and digital X-Rays, as well as specific home care designed to mold the spine to ideal position. This, in combination with individualized corrective adjustments, helps achieve optimal spinal position, creating better overall health.
Corrective Care helps correct the issues that cause sciatica, scoliosis, headaches/migraines, neck/back pain, subluxations, carpel tunnel, vertigo, and many other health issues.
Ashburn Family Chiropractic Center is a family-centered office on a mission to serve, teach, and inspire our community to reach their full health potential.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help You? We give you Service to patients.

Latest Blog

Lose Weight with Cold Therapy
Dr. Eric Ashburn shows you how to increase metabolism and lose fat (and weight) by decreasing core temperature.

MSG – The Flavor that Kills
It used to be that MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) was associated only with chinese food. But, now, it is not only present on nearly every processed

The King of Leg Exercises
Dr. Eric Ashburn, along with MMA Pro Brendan Weafer, show how to properly do the king of all leg exercises, the lunge.
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(845) 896-1200
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