Lose Weight with Cold Therapy

Dr. Eric Ashburn shows you how to increase metabolism and lose fat (and weight) by decreasing core temperature.
MSG – The Flavor that Kills

It used to be that MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) was associated only with chinese food. But, now, it is not only present on nearly every processed food label, but hides behind a wide variety of pseudonyms. If you’re not careful, you may be consuming this dangerous additive without even knowing it. MSG Is an extremely potent […]
The King of Leg Exercises

Dr. Eric Ashburn, along with MMA Pro Brendan Weafer, show how to properly do the king of all leg exercises, the lunge.
Turkey Burgers

These burgers are a staple in my home. Two pounds of meat may seem like overkill, but all my boys (hubby included) really enjoy many of these! Plus, we have a number of the burgers left over for lunch the next day. Feel free to adjust the garlic (or completely remove) to your liking. Surely […]
Sam’s Garbanzo-Flax Muffins

These unique muffins are tasty and healthy. Garbanzo flour (also known as chickpea flour) is a good source of protein, and is gluten-free for those who have concerns about gluten in their diets. Ground flax seed is loaded with cancer-fighting lignans and provides vital omega 3 and important dietary fiber as well. I prefer “golden” flax […]